Taking an bite out of the big apple
It’s one of the most fascinating places in the whole wide world. Many people would dream to be here or some would give up everything to be here. I have lived here for two years now and I love living here. It is the greatest place on earth. I can do so many things, every place is new for me. I know a few places but there are so many more. I love exploring every bit of new york. Being an introvert or being someone who has an overly heightened nerve.
I love exploring and adventuring, I love everything that makes me feel alive but lately being in New York, the place where it supposes to be the most adventurous, has lost its charm. I see the reality of living in a first world nation.
I can write a whole book on tiredness. People are tired here most of the time and people get very nasty while being tired. I was tired of being tired. So I quit my job thinking I would do something useful and do some work related to my major. I wanted to study and be a successful person like my mom wants me to be. A cup of coffee in my hand running around with suite and dress living the life of New Yorker, being among the most affluent people. I want to be everywhere but yet there is a price for everything.
I wish I was born a New Yorker but I am not, I am born out of the country and I was born in an underdeveloped country. Finding jobs that’s related to my major is close to impossible in New York. But I am slowly getting a grasp of how the system works in New York, and its no different than my Bhutan. One needs connections to climb higher be it social climbing or getting an interview or a job.