stepping away from social media
Every morning, I try to look at life anew. I am up in the morning even though a little tired. Then I get this spiraling of unpleasant thoughts and it’s hard to get out of this cycle of thoughts. I do try to get out of these thoughts by doing meditation. But I question myself what useful things I am doing these days besides meditation.
Moving to another neighborhood did well to me. I am in nature most of these days. A little park near the neighborhood helps me stay sane. I go for walks whenever I can and stay there looking at trees and birds.
The one thing that I most proud of these days is staying away from social media. Social media does need to come with a warning statement “Social media harms mental health.” When I am not feeling my best and I am not in my good state of judgment. It has a tremendous effect on how I view people and their post. The mindless scrolling and checking on people and comparing. So I deleted my apps from my phone and I am happy about it.
I saw Selene Gomez in one of her interview about what she does to stay away from social media. She has the apps on her friends’ phone so whenever she wanted to post something, she would just post it from there. I thought it was a smart move because that would save her from mindless scrolling and pressing the like button thoughtlessly.
I sometimes want to check on my family and see their social media feeds, wondering how they are doing. I look at their post being together and it hurts to be away. I miss being close to them physically and mentally. The time difference tells you how different and apart we are.
Social Media does a wonderful job of giving us the illusion of being close when really people are thousands of miles away, sometimes physically and sometimes mentally. I didn’t want that mindless scrolling and illusion from social media and the burden to post to stay relevant in this arena of comparison.
Social media has great content and post by incredible people, but it’s not my cup of tea. I have posted more than thousands of pictures on social media and I feel being vulnerable in front of social media might now sit well on other peoples eyes or does not convey my message properly.
I would like to however share my art to the people online and pray that it’s relatable because I am writing about my authentic self.