Selling a product called “beautiful”

Sonam Wangmo (Peggy)
3 min readMar 5, 2023


Why is the innate nature of women who are trusting their intuition being denied?
The women who are satisfied with their body is stepping into divineness and are somehow detached from external validation. And standing against the normal beauty standard or what society considers beautiful.
It is in a way invoking the inner divine power without attaching oneself to any standards.
Agonizing about how one should look and be presentable to society. One can look or be however one wants to be. One should have the autonomy of their own body.

Being detached from the standards is when you find true beauty — freedom.

Pinterest (

The cost of freedom is often a painful process.

I stumbled on a great saint Sri Anandamayi Ma while browsing youtube. From a young age, she doesn’t care for society’s idea of beauty and embraces her beauty without upholding the labels and following the beauty standard. She embodies the concept of non-attachment through her way of living.

Sri Anandamayi Ma

Detachment is not that you own nothing. Detachment is that nothing owns you.
-Bhavagd Gita

Any unsatisfied part of our bodies is because of the social construct, to embrace our body we have to unlearn everything.

New York is an ideal place to practice non-attachments filled with fantasy and the mecca of consumerism. When every little thing in the shops tempts me and I let my desires cave in. “Shopping mall is Samsara for me,” sensei said. I live in the epic center of Beauty brands and the birthplace of all those standards if I may say so.

Nothing seems the way it is. What does being beautiful means? In a world full of people telling me what the concept of beauty should be?

Seeing a photoshopped face on every corner and the constant battle in my head comparing myself to the airbrushed image of a model or actress.

Without advertisement, those companies cannot earn and in a capitalist country, making money is the end game. And addiction is justified by those companies whose victims are the consumers. The way we abandoned ourselves to chase a golden goose.

One of the ways I try to practice non-attachment is by practicing sustainability. By being conscious of where I put my money and trying to be aware of the carbon footprint I leave behind so the generation after me can enjoy the earth as I did.

Stepping away from those standards is when we can find the root cause of the epidemic. We need to shift our focus and choose courage more than anything. Courage to choose differently and be different and practice a human approach.



Sonam Wangmo (Peggy)
Sonam Wangmo (Peggy)

Written by Sonam Wangmo (Peggy)

I am a first-generation immigrant, writer, and advocate for social justice. Living in NYC, I explore themes of race, immigration, and identity through my blog.

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