Finding Shangri-La
The path to Shangri-La is not easy; one doesn’t know where it is and where it will lead you? I myself have been finding one for a really long time and been feeling positive about finding one. I am not trying to make it as a goal but trying to walk on the path, which will take me to my destiny. It seems like more than a Kalpa I have been fighting with my own demons, but I won’t let go of my path. Sometimes I ask myself, which one is easier? To live a life of laymen or to follow and stick to my path which comes with a lot of different unknown challenges. There aren’t guidelines for anything but still following a different path always come with different challenges.
The unknown is scary for me and I always wanted to be on the safer side but this is not possible in this lifetime I guess. Right now what this heart truly desires is to follow the path. I wish wherever or whatever I do, has always been “to let me stick to my path” and end my wanting for these worldly activities. I like a lost soul been trying to find my own place in this world but sometimes it greatly dissatisfies me.
I have a life here in Bhutan and living my life normally, battling through life every day. “Everyone has a problem whether big or small and it cannot be compared,” that’s what I believe. The question that I have in this current moment is where do I belong? Is it a problem? I guess it is for me. In between the sufferings of many, I also add mine.