Birth anniversary of Guru Rinpochey
Today feels different because it’s not an ordinary day. Today is the day to reflect upon our life, and to acknowledge how further are we from escaping this samsara. Today a great Tibetan teacher was born somewhere around 8th century A.D.
We had to learn about him in our history books, the great tibetan teacher who was born from lotus names Padmasambhave. Also known as precious Guru/ guru Rinpochey. Born in Odiyana, Swat valley. Great minds are born in this village I am talking about Malala.
Guru Rinpochey came from the Northern Kashmir to Bhutan to teach Buddhism. This is very significant to me, the fact that he belonged in some other place and came to a completely different county. his compassion drove him to go all around the world, he was known with many different names in different parts of the world. It is said that he left hidden treasures (terma) around the world, because he was aware of the age of decadence (kaliyuga). Each treasures will disclose by a treasure discoverers (terton) in times of need.
This may seem like a myth to make but it’s reality for many of us who were brought up in this tradition and culture.
As my teacher said, “Science experiment are also like myth before they are proven right. We human being put more faith in science than in our own tradition and history.” We need to put more faith in our roots.
Someone had experienced these things back in the history, and was passed down orally because in those times people didn’t write. They believed in some one and passed down their most treasured experience through words, which was not written down. But whatever was left of it was written down, when they had the opportunity of writing it down. Later technology will advanced and writing will seem like distance primitive method for future generation.
The scientist of today are also human who are experimenting with hypothesis, but the validity and faith human put on them because it has quick result.
We live with delusion, and idea of being separate from one another. Our history is completely different from what we think of it as today. The silk road explains the diversities and complexities of existing human nature. People were brought together to do trade. People from all around the world were thriving while living with each other. Regardless of their race, gender and ethnicity.
To think that we are different from one another is just an illusion. Be awaken.
The troubled times has befallen, but with increase adversities great minds and leaders will arise.